#WhoseQuoteIsItAnyway January 28, 2018 Factbook (Fact or Fake) - Let us find the truth LLC - SRIKANTH KIDAMBI VAL-U-PRO CONSULTING GROUP WhoseQuoteIsItAnyway +
#iGundu #iFat January 26, 2018 Factbook (Fact or Fake) - Let us find the truth iFat iGundu LLC - SRIKANTH KIDAMBI VAL-U-PRO CONSULTING GROUP +
#WhoseQuoteisitAnyway January 12, 2018 Factbook (Fact or Fake) - Let us find the truth LLC - SRIKANTH KIDAMBI VAL-U-PRO CONSULTING GROUP WhoseQuoteisitAnyway +
This crow and eagle flying high picture, animation and video has been in circulation for at least couple of years. January 05, 2018 Factbook (Fact or Fake) - Let us find the truth LLC - SRIKANTH KIDAMBI VAL-U-PRO CONSULTING GROUP +